There are several ways you can select your domain name to bring in your customers. If you are starting your first website you may feel overwhelmed by the many choices that you have to make. Make yourself a list to help you get started.
First of all you want to write down all the products or services you will be offering. Determine what age group or groups these products would benefit the most.
After you determine these factors, choose your name that will combine both the products and the age group to create a successful domain name.
When you create your name you need to convince others to visit your site by domain name marketing. How you market your domain name may be through visiting sites that offer similar products or pay for an advertisement on another popular site.
All the customers who visit the well established website will see your ad and click on it. Usually the ad does not cost very much to advertise for one month. Do your research to see who offers a better deal.
You may also want to try email marketing. Sending emails to everyone you know can increase your traffic.
Till next time!
Much Success!
Keith A. Holloman CEO/Founder
U Build Your Website Web Hosting Services
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